10 Most Expensive Fruits of the Worlds!


Fruits are best things to keep you healthy. If you want healthy life then you must add fruits in your life. There are some fruits that are inexpensive and some are very expensive. Today I am going to share top 10 expensive fruits of the world. Most of expensive fruits are found in japan and for their taste you have to travel to japan.Here is the list of them.

1.  Yubari king Melons ($2300 per pair)

Yubari king is one of the very expensive fruits. They are from the family of orange melons. The two melons of yubari are sold out for about $2300 per pair. Yubari king is cultivated in yubari, Hokkaido. It is very small town near to Sapporo.

2.  Densuke watermelon ($6100 each)

Densuke is very amazing fruit. It is a rare fruit. Also it is very expensive fruit. It is sold out for $6100 each. It is expensive as it is rare.  It can be find in Japan. If you want to get densuke you have to go in japan and take part in auction.

3.  Ruby Roman Grapes($4000 per bunch)

Ruby roman grapes are also very expensive. They are also found in japan. Ruby roman grapes also known as table grapes. These are also auctioned in japan.

4.  Taiyo No Tamago Mangoes($3000 per pair)

If you try to translate the meaning of taiyo no tamago it comes “Egg of the Sun”. Stricts rules are applying in getting the perfect fruit. It is also found in japan.

5.  Pineapples($1600 each)

These are special types of pineapples and grow in Uk a lost gardens of helligan. They have high price due to the way of their cultivation. For the growth of these pineapples natural fertilizers are used. They have different test. But their price will be same $1600 each.

6. Square watermelon ($800 each)

 As most of us only know that watermelons are in only round shape but for our kind information there is a square watermelon in shape. It is also included in most expensive fruits of worlds. Square watermelons are also found in japan and sold out in department stores. Many people used square watermelons for decorative purpose. Its price is 800 each.

7. Senbikiya Queen Strawberries ($85 a pack of 12)

These are one of the most expensive fruits. They are sold in Tokyo. They are sold in one package and there are 12 strawberries in each package.

8. Dekopon Citrus($80/pack, 6 in a pack)

Dekopon looks like orange but they have but they have bump on top. They are very delicious. They are also sold in a pack. Every pack has 6 dekopon in it. The price for each pack is about $80.

9. Sekai lchi apples ($21 each)

   Sekai lchi apples are also included in the list of expensive fruits and found in japan. The price is $21 per unit. They are washed in honey instead of water.  Single apple weighs is about 2 pound.

10. Budha Shaped Pair ($9 each)

 Budha shaped pair looks like a small statue. They are found in china. They can be purchased from the local market.

Try to taste each fruit in the list. Happy eating!

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