How petroleum jelly helps to get rid of flaky lips / scaly lips


Petroleum jelly is a handy product which we keep with ourselves during the winter season as this is the time when our lips become excessively dry. The scaly and flakiness comes in the way especially when the weather condition is not too moist. The wind with extreme dry blow comes in the way to make individual feel the tough dry season. This is the time when people think of getting an extra moisture coat over the skin layer. Market provides variety of such cosmetics and creams that has moisturizing benefits. But, it will be preferable if you can make some home remedies of scaly and flaky lips with the help of petroleum as a product. Some people have a tendency of licking lips continuously during such season instead of applying a lip moisturizer or a balm. But, this gives an adverse effect as the saliva that settles over the lips becomes dried up which also removes the moisture.
During peak winter our skin gets dry and dehydrated, this causes flaky lips. Vaseline is a brand of petroleum jelly commonly available in the market. It keeps the skin moisturized, without letting the skin lose hydration. The dry weather in the winter is very harsh on the skin leaving it dehydrated, cracked and flaky. Use of petroleum jelly on it will help to intact the moisture on the skin it forms like a coating letting no moisture go away. The other cause for flaky dry lips can be licking your lips and even breathing through your mouth. Your saliva get dried up soon, which makes your lips dry and flaky. If you do not take adequate fluid will also cause dehydration, which in turn will lead to flaked or dry lips. Benefits of using a petroleum jelly on your lips are it forms as a coat or a layer which will stop the loss of moisture from your skin. Even after your lips are cured you can daily use the petroleum jelly, it will do no harm, rather it will help to soften and moisture your lips. Below mentioned are the ways to get rid of flaky lips with petroleum jelly.
1. Clean your lips

Before starting with clean your lips well.

2.  Apply Petroleum jelly

Now apply Petroleum jelly on your lips evenly forming a coat to your lips.
3. Leave it on

Let the petroleum jelly stay on your lips for some time. It will soften your lips and flakes too. Let it stay on for ten minutes.

4. Massage with a cloth

Now take a clean a little damp cloth. Hold it on your index finger, gently rub or massage your lips. This will remove the petroleum jelly and the flakes too without much pain.
5. Apply lip balm

Again you can apply the petroleum jelly or a lip balm on your lips to prevent the flakes from appearing again. Vaseline or lip balm mostly contains mineral oils, paraffin and waxes, which will melt on your skin and helps to strengthen and repair it. It forms like a coat on your lips not letting any moisture from the skin to lose, thus retaining hydration of your lips intact.

You can apply the petroleum jelly daily, to prevent any flaky lips in future. Using petroleum jelly at night right before going to bed is also considered ideal. When you apply petroleum jelly before bedtime and let it stay on, the petroleum jelly get time to work on your lips without any interruption throughout night. Petroleum jelly is very safe, but if anyone is allergic to it, it is better not to use the same and consult a doctor. So before using petroleum jelly first time use it in a very small portion and leave it on for some time. If you get any irritation do not use it at all, if there is no reaction you can use it as said above.

Uses of petroleum jelly in flaky lips

Chocolate lip gloss

In order to make a chocolate flavored lip balm by using petroleum jelly, you would require a bowl that can be used in a microwave. Pour the petroleum jelly a bowl that can be put in microwave and keep it under the microwave with 30 seconds and start. This is an easy process to melt petroleum. If you don’t have a microwave oven, this petroleum can be melted with the help of a double boiler.

If you don’t have a double boiler there is another way to melt the petroleum. Make hot water and put the container over the water where hot petroleum is available.  Now pour some cocoa powder over the melted Vaseline and mix it. Once the color is change pour it in a container from where you can use. Give some time so that it can get settled and cooled. Now you can use this chocolate flavor lip gloss to treat your scaly lips.
Honey lip balm

Petroleum jelly can also be really useful in making a demanding honey lip balm. Take a container microwavable and pour 2 tablespoon of petroleum jelly and also a single teaspoon of honey in it.  Microwave the content for 30 minutes and bring it out. The liquefied petroleum jelly must be stirred well and kept for settle down and cool. You can start using it every day in order to make your lips moisturized.

Green tea lip gloss

Take a double boiler and melt the petroleum jelly that you are going to use and store for a long time. Once the petroleum is melted you have to make half cup of green tea and pour it over the petroleum. Stir it well and get the flavor of green tea and the benefits of removing the oxidants from the body after application. Let the homemade green tea lip gloss settle and cool down once it is kept in a container. Now you can apply it every day to remove your flaky lips.
Berry lip gloss
You can get different types of berries that have a natural way of growth. You can now make lip balm with the flavor of either strawberry or that of blueberries. It is quite easy to get berries from the market especially at any of the fruit bazaar or super market where everything is available under a shade. Just make juice of berries and keep it in a container. Take 3 spoons of petroleum jelly in a container that is microwavable. Keep it for 30 seconds and get it out as this time will be enough to melt the petroleum jelly. Now put the juice of berry over the petroleum jelly and stir it. You can easily get a wonderful fragrance of berries.  Now give some time to settle the petroleum and cool it. You can even keep it in a refrigerator. Once it is settled, it will be quite easy to use it as a lip gloss or a lip balm during the winter season.

You can also carry your home made lip balm with the petroleum jelly and other fruit extract in your bag while you are out for your job. In that case you have to shift the petroleum jelly in a smaller container.

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