How to do the Bridge Pose: Steps and Benefits of Setu Bandhasana


Long working hours and prolonged state of inactivity has lead to one of the biggest health woes of this age - back pain. Ever since I started working, I have experienced back pain that keeps resurfacing every now and then. Sometimes changing the chair helps or the sleeping position.

 I usually feel the pain at the back of my neck and at times it shifts to my rhomboids (a group of muscles located in the upper back).This article aims to target that excruciating back pain that you just can't seem to get rid of. Back issues may arise due to a host of factors, but in most cases, it is usually wrong posture or lack of spinal exercises that may trigger the trouble. The answer to that discomfort in the back is a simple asana called the bridge pose or Setu Bandhasana.Setu BandhasanaThe posture is excellent for strengthening the back. It also eases the pent up tension in those muscles. "Setu Bandhaasana is an excellent pose for melting stomach fat as it stretches the stomach muscles. The pose is great for people suffering from thyroid. As the chin and the chest are locked, the jalandhara bandha (chin lock) gets activated. It regulates the flow of blood and prana (energy) to the heart, the glands in the neck and the head," says a Delhi-based Yoga expert, Anju Kalhan of Vivafit fitness center.

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